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Sustainability in all its dimensions is a central component of our corporate strategy. The Schaeffler Group will operate climate-neutral starting in 2040. This target includes the entire supply chain and is underpinned by ambitious medium-term sustainability targets. We want to face up these challenges together with our business partners. Our aim is to make the supplier network transparent in order to identify and minimize risks at an early stage. In this way, we also meet the requirements and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders together.

Developing supply chain sustainability in partnership

Create the basis

Every business relationship is based on the expectations described in the business partner code.

Identify risks

We conduct a sustainability-related risk assessment of our suppliers.

Reduce risks

We reduce the identified risks through global standards, assessments, and audits.

Evaluate sustainability

Self-Assessments provided by our suppliers give us a more detailed insight into their sustainability performance.

Create incentives

In sourcing decisions, we take the sustainable actions of our suppliers into account.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

The contents addressed to us within the framework of legal requirements and the expectations of civil society must also be addressed to you, our business partners. This is done by means of our Business Partner Code, the content of which is expressly taken as a general basis for every business relationship.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

 Purchasing & Supplier management | Business Partner Code of Conduct

Sustainability self-assessment

Schaeffler Purchasing & Supplier management | Sustainability self-assessment

To understand and develop the sustainability performance of identified suppliers, we use the standardized Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) on sustainability from the Drive Sustainability initiative. Suppliers selected for this purpose receive an invitation via NQC Ltd. to complete the questionnaire on the SupplierAssurance platform. If your company is already registered on NQC Ltd., we look forward to hearing from you so that we can view your SAQ.

Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Supplier Assurance

FAQ – Supplier Sustainability Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

Guideline for improvement of SAQ-Score

This guideline provides you an approach for the improvement of your SAQ-Score as well as an exemplary prioritization of topics.

SAQ improvement guideline

SAQ-Score overview

SAQ-Score exemplary calculation

Handling of Conflict Minerals and Critical Raw Materials

Schaeffler does not directly source any of the minerals concerned for its value creation but is aware that conflict minerals may occur in the supply chain. Schaeffler therefore demands of itself and its suppliers that all Schaeffler products are free of minerals whose trade is used directly or indirectly to finance conflicts in states or which originate from mining activities in conflict or high-risk areas.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

Against this background, Schaeffler requires responsible sourcing of these minerals in its supplier network and refers to the guideline "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas" for this requirement.

Schaeffler Purchasing & Supplier management | Conflict minerals policy

Schaeffler expects from the suppliers identified as relevant for Conflict Minerals Compliance to report regarding the presence of Conflict Minerals on an annual basis, using the globally accepted format – RMI CMRT Reporting Template.

Procedure/process flow | Conflict Minerals & Critical Raw Materials Reporting

The latest version of the reporting template can always be downloaded from the Responsible Minerals Initiative website - Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (responsiblemineralsinitiative.org)

Human Trafficking Policy

Schaeffler Purchasing & Supplier management | Human Trafficking Policy

Almost every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. Therefore, Schaeffler Group pays special attention to human trafficking.

The Human Trafficking Policy describes fundamental principles and measures to prevent forced labor and human trafficking. The policy applies to all areas of our company. We request our business partners and their supply chains to implement effective measures to prevent forced labor and human trafficking and to regularly monitor their effectiveness.

Human Trafficking Policy

Statement on respect for human rights

As an internationally operating company, Schaeffler is aware of its social responsibility and is therefore unequivocally committed to respecting human rights throughout its entire value chain. Our comprehensive approach includes not only our own business activities, but also all stakeholders along the value chain, such as suppliers and business partners. The aim is to identify any violations and address them through appropriate measures - if necessary, up to and including the termination of business relationships. The company's own voluntary commitment including a description of the salient human rights issues, processes and measures are set out in the Human Rights Statement.

Statement on respect for human rights

Supplier training and action guide of BMAS

Continuous joint development can only be successful if we have a common understanding of requirements and the background to them. Within the framework of the German Act on Supply Chain Due Diligence Obligation, it is your joint responsibility to use this free offer after registering as a Schaeffler supplier in order to better understand the Schaeffler requirements.

As a further way of use, we also see a targeted binding recommendation of training participation, for example, if we agree on potential improvements with you based on our risk analysis sustainability (Risk Exposure Sustainability or Self Assessment Questionnaire). The trainings include a learning success check at the end.

To use our free training offer, please contact purchasing-sustainability@schaeffler.com and we will send you information on how to register.

Schaeffler Purchasing & Supplier management | Supplier training and action guide of BMAS

Instruction manual BMAS
The Automotive Industry Dialogue developed the action guides for the five core elements of human rights due diligence (policy statement, risk analysis, measures, reporting and grievance mechanism).

They are self-contained guides and fully address the requirements of the National Action Plan (NAP). In addition, the requirements of the LkSG are taken into account and identified separately. The implementation-oriented action guides act as a toolbox and guideposts in the individual and ongoing process of implementing human rights due diligence.

The instructions for action are available for download: Download instructions

SupplyOn Supplier Community Event 2024 (ESG / CSDDD)

Social Audits according to RSCI and RBA standards

Purchasing & Supplier management | Social Audits according to RSCI and RBA standards

Schaeffler is member of the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI), a voluntary assessment standard developed under the VDA governance for the automotive industry. It evaluates the conformity of an assessed location to the RSCI Assessment Requirements with regards to social compliance as well as occupational safety and environmental protection

The RSCI Program is a standardized assessment and exchange mechanism for verifying the social compliance performance along the automotive supply chain and for mutual recognition of results. It has been developed based on the needs of the automotive industry with the approach to be more user friendly to small and medium-sized companies that strive for more sustainability in their supply chain, too.

Schaeffler is member of the Responsible Supply Chain Initiative (RSCI), a voluntary assessment standard developed under the VDA governance for the automotive industry. It evaluates the conformity of an assessed location to the RSCI Assessment Requirements with regards to social compliance as well as occupational safety and environmental protection

The RSCI Program is a standardized assessment and exchange mechanism for verifying the social compliance performance along the automotive supply chain and for mutual recognition of results. It has been developed based on the needs of the automotive industry with the approach to be more user friendly to small and medium-sized companies that strive for more sustainability in their supply chain, too.


Register via: https://www.rba-online.org/portal/rsci-register.jsp

Flyer: RSCI – Responsible Supply Chain Initiative

Climate protection and energy efficiency

Our Energy Policy describes the principles of responsible usage of energy resources. This also includes the established energy management system, which ensures a continuous improvement of energy performance in the company. Through the technical delivery conditions S151010-25, we set standards for energy efficiency in the procurement of new machinery and facilities.

With these measures, Schaeffler supports the applicable climate protection targets and thus assumes responsibility towards society and future generations. The following principles apply to all areas of our company worldwide and we therefore also encourage our business partners and their supply chain to follow them.

Energy Policy

In our guide, suppliers can find more information on how to manage and reduce emissions:

Supplier Guide to Carbon Reduction Management

Schaeffler Purchasing & Supplier management | Climate protection and energy efficiency

Calculation of emissions

Climate protection is closely related to the emission or generation of CO2 emissions. A significant proportion of the CO2 emissions of our products are already caused in the supply chain and are referred to as Scope 3 upstream emissions. We therefore expect our suppliers to provide transparent and comprehensible information in this context. An overview of the required, standardized calculation of emissions is shown in the following document.

Product Carbon Footprint Calculation (overview)

In addition to this overview, the PCF Guideline supports with further and more detailed information on the calculation of a Product Carbon Footprint.

Product Carbon Footprint Calculation (Insights)

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